Due to the increasing numbers of substance use disorders in our communities, Safe Harbor and Burke Substance Use Network collaborated together to help parents, teachers, or anyone working with youth the opportunity to understand what our children are facing these days and how to identify some of these threats. This simulation event will help give an insight into many current scenarios and provide an opportunity for us as a community to get a head start on knowing what to look for and what it could mean. This year’s Secrets Revealed Event is focusing on exploring the hidden dangers of substance use in our kids. Each participant will experience the realities of a teenage boy's room and use their best investigative skills to discover potential dangers lurking in plain sight. Through our simulation series, each participant will learn the truth behind the secrets our kids may be keeping - this knowledge could even save a life.
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday, May 19th FREE & Open to the Public.
Safe Harbor & Burke Substance Abuse Network host Stimulation Event 5-19-2022
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Date and Time
12:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Event is from 12:00pm - 7:00pm.
Sign up for your one hour assimilation session by calling 828-326-7233
Sign up for your one hour assimilation session between 12:00 - 7:00 pm
Due to limited capacity, pre-registration is required by calling 828-326-7233Website
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